Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A look at 2012 : Why religion will soon become obsolete

Our calendars will soon display the year 2012. This will begin a countdown to the much-anticipated date of 12/21/2012, which supposedly marks the end date of the Mayan calendar. Expectations range from a big yawner to end-of-the-world apocalyptic destruction. My money is on something in between.
I have surveyed some of the possibilities for 2012 in previous articles. Basically, I’m not much into mass destruction scenarios. I view the Mayan calendar end-date as just one marker among many that point to a transition point between ages of our civilization. We are already deep into this transition as 2011 draws to a close. Many energetic shifts have already occurred, as anyone who is intuitively aware surely knows.

The most hopeful scenario for planet Earth is for the Age of Iron to fade gracefully as a new Golden Age dawns. This will repeat a cycle that may have occurred many times on this planet, although most of the history has been lost (save for echoes in ancient sources such as the Sanskrit Mahabharata).
Some channeled information coming from higher spiritual sources speaks of an attempt to raise the entire planet to a higher dimensional vibration, so the next Golden Age to come may surpass all previous ones, including the fabled Atlantean era.

In discussing religion, we must first understand its source and origin. More specifically, the source of the primary characteristic of religion must be understood – belief in the theistic God. All humans possess at least a faint remembrance of originating from a higher order. We must survey the ancient history of this planet to understand the roots of this remembrance, and how it became highly corrupted into common beliefs taught by religion.
During the last Golden Age, the spiritual understanding of humanity was at its peak. Humans were aware of their spiritual nature as souls incarnating into flesh, and interacted directly with higher spiritual consciousness. The polarity between light and dark was not nearly as pronounced as experienced today, and knowledge was widespread concerning manipulation of matter and energy was widespread.

Entering the Silver Age, civilization began to evolve in some respects, but devolve in others. Authoritative structures emerged in society along with the concept of owning property. Distribution of power began a subtle shift into the hands of those at the top of the societal structures, but for the most part, peace and harmony reigned.
The Bronze Age may have been hastened by global catastrophe, with previous knowledge surviving with only a select few. The human attraction toward drama became evident. Civilization rebuilt along lines of divided kingdoms, and power was possessed by relative few. The vast spiritual knowledge that had been widespread during the Golden Age was preserved only by the ruling class, which began to function also as a Priesthood. The common people, having lost their knowledge and abilities, had to rely on the ruling priests for this.

Perhaps another round of cyclic catastrophe put an end to the vast empires of the Bronze era. As the remnants of humanity struggled to organize into the “dawn of civilization” as viewed by modern history, only legends remained to tell of past glory. The rulers of the previous era were remembered as gods because they had retained the vast knowledge that had previously been widespread; This knowledge enabled them to act as supernatural beings and wield absolute power over the common people. Thus our mythology embodies a pantheon of gods and goddesses that reflect our collective memory.
As the darkness of the Iron Age increased, remnants of the lost knowledge was retained in pieces by a select few, and passed down through subsequent generations. “Secret Societies” and mystical orders were formed to protect this knowledge, although some was openly published in coded form in sources such as “The Emerald Tablet” and various alchemical texts.

As everyone naturally has some ability to discern spiritual knowledge, and many are curious about the meaning of life, religions began to spring up around fragments of remembered knowledge. In many cases, religions were launched by an adept that retained enough lost knowledge to produce “miracles” to dazzle the people. Supernatural acts are generally enough proof to convince many of a divine mandate and pedigree. Someone calling himself Jehovah may have set a bush ablaze to impress Moses; Projection of an angelic form into a cave may have been enough to convince a discontented shepherd named Muhammad to start a religion. This pattern continues even today as statues weep, the sun dances in the sky, and rose petals fall gently upon a crowd.
This is not meant to debunk the supernatural, but simply to suggest that extraordinary events are not necessarily actions of a theistic god. Humans generally have enough psychic energy at their disposal to make anything happen even as they project their power into manifesting the god of their choice, who can then take credit.
Next: Focus on Christianity


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