Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Why religion will soon be obsolete: Focus on Christianity

This is written as the Christmas season winds into full swing. Nativity scenes pop up beside homes and churches, depicting the Christ child lying in a manger. Various decorations feature related themes; Angels announcing the advent, Wise Men traveling from afar to confer blessing upon the newborn king, donkeys and cattle looking in at the scene.
Celebrating the religious aspect of Christmas is a time-honored tradition, but despite orthodox belief to the contrary, this tradition is not based upon historical events. In fact, the entire historicity of Jesus and events depicted in the Gospels is open to serious question and doubt.

The reader may wonder why this even matters enough to write articles about. Couldn’t I promote my own spiritual beliefs without criticizing an established orthodox faith, which is embraced by millions?

Certainly, I could and generally do. However, in order to fully illustrate what it means to raise the vibrational level and spiritual awareness of this planet (The Ascension Shift), it’s relevant to examine the lack of spirituality found in major religions. I am loath to criticize that which I have not experienced, but I happened to have been a solid adherent of orthodox Christianity for over 40 years. Everything I have to say on this subject concerns belief and practice that I once fully embraced. Furthermore, my only reason for parting ways with Christianity was a desire to explore spirituality. In my experience, organized Christianity impedes the path toward deeper spirituality.
And so, driven by a desire for deeper spirituality and curiosity as to the ultimate reason for being here in human form, I began to entertain a wider range of possibilities. No sooner had I began to consider data from a wider perspective, I was shocked at how ingrained and circular orthodox reasoning really is. I was surprised at how weak the arguments are for historicity and legitimacy of the Gospels.  The clincher came when I finally understood that the most basic, essential facts of spiritual life are not even taught by the church. If anything, the spiritual truth that I now embrace would be condemned as heresy!

An important point to stress: I’m not trying to convert anyone to my belief system. As I understand the process of the soul’s incarnation into physicality, it’s not essential that the ego-mind grasp everything. The soul’s agenda generally involves learning lessons, experiencing certain situations, and clearing karmic imbalances. These things can usually be accomplished regardless of a person’s belief system. You can remain blissfully unaware that the principal players in your life drama were probably present in many previous lives without affecting the outcome. Personally, I’m curious to know these things, but it’s not essential.
I am writing this because the time has arrived for increased spiritual awareness. A tremendous shift has begun on this planet, and many can sense this and are curious to know more. Many of the curious are deeply involved with Christianity, as I once was. It is for those that I write this, so they can see that abandoning their dogma does not mean abandoning their sacred communion with God.

In the emerging age to come, those who complete the ascension process will find themselves living with one foot in the physical dimension and one foot "In Atlantis". This is something worth seeking.

Coming: Reasons to Disbelieve

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