Saturday, November 20, 2010

Toward a Vision of Utopia

As mentioned frequently here, the structures and institutions of the old 3D Earth are decaying and dying. This much is good news, except for the chaos and disruption that inevitably accompany transition between ages. And a major question naturally arises, as to what will the new age look like? What new structures will replace the old?

This could be the basis of a very broad and far-ranging discussion, but for now I will focus on the area of economics.

As most spiritually-minded people are aware, the present economic system is pervaded by evil and darkness, greed and corruption. Some have even called for those who are spiritually aware to begin withdrawing from the monetary system, even at the risk of greatly reduced material comforts.

While I'm aware of the evil and corruption, and the fact that the system is going down, I can't bring myself to embrace a prematurely minimalist and withdrawn lifestyle. Those that do must assume that money is inherently evil, but I disagree. Money is simply a means of exchange.

In primitive societies, barter is the natural medium of exchange. A hunter/gatherer might exchange 10 animal furs for a farmer's sack of grain. A carpenter might fix the cobbler's roof in exchange for a pair of shoes.

In a technological society, work is too specialized and complex to use barter, so money is used as a convenient means of exchange. There is nothing inherently wrong with this. The problems begin when the ego sees the amassing of money as a means of exerting power and control over others, and also as the only means of providing security for itself.

Our capitalist system may be quite efficient at producing material goods, but there are few constraints on abuse that leads to corruption and oppression. The tendency throughout history has been for power and wealth to stratify and concentrate at the top, leading to a landed nobility class at odds with a peasant class. Industrialization only increased the distortions and disparity.

There is a natural tendency for severe disparity to eventually correct itself through revolution, but this is a violent and messy means of resolution. This is something that our own system may in danger of facing before long.

I continue to hope for a "soft landing", where the shift in consciousness produces enough positive change to offset as the old system is in the process of crashing. This may be less than likely if the evil and dark PTB thrash and fight for control to the bitter end.

What would a utopian society look like? Work would be considered to be whatever activity best expresses the soul's creativity. A creative flow naturally results in creation of material wealth and wellbeing, but such wealth would not be measured in the narrow materialistic terms of today's society. Rather than "working for the man", engaged in mundane or stressful tasks, every person would discover their optimum role. For several reasons, unemployment and poverty would not exist (except for those who might somehow choose that experience).

The vast economic distortions caused by greed and accumulation of wealth could be prevented by simple rules that limit how much money and property anyone can accumulate. If everyone were limited to a net worth of, say $250,000, then the ego would lose its incentive to gain power and oppress others. Perhaps saving more for retirement would be permitted, but everyone would need to understand that money is a form of stored energy and there is a limit to how much can be stored and remain static for long periods of time. Wealth is dynamic and needs to be kept in play.

The ancient Israeli practice of Jubilee had great merits, and is something that would benefit the world today. Every 50 years, all debt was forgiven and wealth was redistributed. Pushing the reset button like that would prevent inequitable pressures from building to the breaking point.

However, it's hard to imagine our present leaders instituting reforms like this. Politicians of both parties are thoroughly bought and paid for by the Banksters and corrupt money interests. Leaders such as Patrick Leahy in the Senate and Barney Franks in the House are essentially employees of the Bankster's Guild and carry out their bidding in total disregard of constituent's interests. Now that the balance of power shifts to Republicans in the House, we will undoutedly see business as usual as the money conduits simply readjust. Looks like things will need to come crashing down before any real change begins. I'm just sayin'.


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